
Showing posts from July, 2019

3 Ways a Strong Personal Brand Propels Your Career Success

By Sonali Raval Today, I woke up to a news article about Suave - Unilver's off the shelf shampoo brand. Unilever put Suave into new, premium-looking slick packaging, added a hefty price tag, called it "Evause" and sent it to out to beauty influencers (basically the folks who tell millions of consumers what is cool to buy) for their opinion/test. Most of the influencers gushed about the shampoo's quality and rated it a luxury hair-care product or in other words, a premium brand. Now, let's not forget - "Evause" is a fake brand, and the shampoo that the influencers were gushing over is the same quality, no different from the cheaper looking, store bought variety. Then, what influenced the influencers into labeling it premium? In a single word, packaging. Personal branding is the equivalent of packaging for people. A personal brand helps you to show the best version of yourself to the world. It dresses you up, brings your strengths into sharp relief

Fixing Personal Branding Errors

By Michael Cohn   When it comes to personal branding, there really is no right or wrong answer. So much of it is subjective. However, that doesn't mean that you are incapable of making mistakes or of wishing that you could have done something better/differently. If you had the chance to do it over again, of course, you would probably do those things differently. Well, even if you did make mistakes, all hope is not lost. You can still fix what needs to be fixed and move on from there. Make fixes in a sensible manner When it comes to fixing the errors that you made in your personal branding, you will want to approach it sensibly and methodically. There are several aspects of your personal brand that you will want to examine and, hopefully, you will be able to identify whatever needs to be corrected.  You want to make sure that your reputation is intact: If you aren't sure what other people are going to find when they search for you (personally), you should search for yours

Personal Branding Tips to Boost Business Success

By Susan Friesen Never Forget: You're the Face of Your Business If I asked you what you could do to be more successful as an entrepreneur or small business owner, you would probably list off things like advertise or network more, improve your website or marketing materials and close more sales, right? Would your answer include personal branding? It should, because it absolutely impacts your success. First, it's important to clarify we aren't just talking about big brands. It's the personalities that represent them that help these companies create a brand. Why Branding is Important When you purposely create a brand representation for your business, you're incorporating several factors, including: • How others see you • What sets you apart (your USP) • Your values • Your expertise • Your personality • How you represent yourself in person and online If done correctly and consistently this builds trust, loyalty, leads and sales. Why else sho